My name is Dick van den Houten, born on Thursday April 5, 1956 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
See my personal page here.
Since 1988 I have become interested in the genealogy or family tree of my ancestors.
Because I like to share my results with anyone who is also interested in the genealogy of
"van den Houten" I started to put my data on the internet.
You may therefore copy and use all my data, but please mention the source.
The intention of this site is to show all "van den Houten's" who have ever lived, but also
contemporary living "van den Houten's" are welcome, to map.
That is why I would really appreciate it if you would send me additions, corrections, photos and
stories to make the "van den Houten" family trees as complete as possible.
Indeed pedigrees; my own family tree goes back to(Sluis, Flanders, ± 1555),
then there is a
"van Houten" family tree from America that goes back to "van den Houten" in South Holland
Goedereede ± 1742), and there is also a "van den Houten" branch around Rotterdam.
In addition, there are many "vandenHouten's" in Belgium that I have not yet been able to map.
Contribute(s) to the content of this site:
Coen van den Houten, David van Houten, Aad Spits, Leo Akershoek, Han Stoutjesdijk,
Judy Risko, Phyllis Dixon Dingeman, André Flikweert, Jannie en Frans Gommers - de Bil,
and many, many others.
Have fun browsing this site.
With kind regards:
Dick van den Houten.
E-mail address = dick at vdhouten.net